

Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013


Menceritakan kepada kami Al-Qa’nabi dari Malik dari Abi Zinad dari Al–A’raj dari Abu Hurairah berkata Rasulullah saw bersabda : “Setiap bayi itu dilahirkan atas fitroh maka kedua orang tuanyalah yang menjadikannya Yahudi, Nasroni sebagaimana unta yang melahirkan dari unta yang sempurna, apakah kamu melihat dari yang cacat?”. Para Sahabat bertanya: “Wahai Rasulullah bagaimana pendapat tuan mengenai orang yang mati masih kecil?” Nabi menjawab: “Allah lah yang lebih tahu tentang apa yang ia kerjakan”. (H.R. Abu Dawud)

Hamid bin Abdirrahman berkata, aku mendengar Muawwiyah berkata, aku mendengar Rasulullah saw Bersabda:” Barangsiapa yang dikehendaki oleh Allah menjadi orang yang baik, maka Allah akan memberikan kepadanya pengetahuan dalam Agama, sesungguhnya aku adalah orang yang membagi sementara Allah adalah sang pemberi, umat ini tidak akan pernah berhenti menegakkan perintah Allah, dan tidak akan medhoroti mereka, orang-orang yang menentangnya sampai datang hari kiamat.
 (HR. Bukhori, Bab Siapapun yang dikehendaki Allah menjadi baik, maka Allah pahamkan ia dalam masalah agama).

Humaidiy menceritakan kepadaku, dia berkata sufyan menceritakan kepadaku, dia berkata, Ismail bin Kholid atas selain apa yang diceritakan Azzuhri menceritakan kepadaku, dia berkata, aku mendengar Qais bin Abi hazim berkata, aku mendengar Abdullah Bin Mas’ud berkata, Nabi Muhammad Saw bersabda : ”Tidak dosa hasud kepada dua orang, pertama kepada laki-laki yang Allah telah berikan harta kepadanya, maka ia habiskan dalam kebenaran, kedua laki-laki yang Allah berikan kepadanya Ilmu hikmah, maka ia memutuskan perkara dengannya dan mengajarkannya. ( HR. Bukhori).

sumber : 


Setiap Muslim Adalah Pemimpin
Hadits dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Semua kamu adalah pemimpin dan bertanggung jawab atas kepemimpinannya. Seorang imam (amir) pemimpin dan bertanggung jawab atas rakyatnya. Seorang suami pemimpin dalam keluarganya dan bertanggung jawab atas kepemimpinannya. Seorang isteri pemimpin dan bertanggung jawab atas penggunaan harta suaminya. Seorang pelayan (karyawan) bertanggung jawab atas harta majikannya. Seorang anak bertanggung jawab atas penggunaan harta ayahnya.(HR.Bukhari)

Pemimpin sebagai pelayan rakyat
Abu maryam al’ azdy r.a berkata kepada muawiyah: saya telah mendengar rasulullah saw bersabda: siapa yang diserahi oleh allah mengatur kepentingan kaum muslimin, yang kemdian ia sembunyi dari hajat kepentingan mereka, maka allah akan menolak hajat kepentingan dan kebutuhannya pada hari qiyamat. Maka kemudian muawiyah mengangkat seorang untuk melayani segala hajat kebutuhan orang-orang (rakyat). (abu dawud, attirmidzy)

Larangan Berambisi Menduduki Suatu Jabatan
Hadits diriwayatkan oleh Abdurrahman bin Samurah, ia berkata: Telah bersabda Nabi SAW: “Wahai Abdurrahman janganlah engkau mengharapkan suatu jabatan. Sesungguhnya jika jabatan itu diberi karena ambisimu maka kamu akan menanggung seluruh bebannya. Namun bila engkau ditugaskan tanpa ambisimu, maka kamu akan ditolong oleh Allah SWT untuk mengatasinya. (HR. Imam Bukhari r.a)

Kaum Hawa Menjadi Kepala Negara
Tidak akan sukses suatu masyarakat yang mengangkat seorang wanita sebagai pemimpinnya (HR. Imam Bukhari r.a) 



1.    S. Al-Baqarah (2): 124, "Dan ingatlah ketika Ibrahim diuji Tuhannya dengan beberapa kalimat perintah dan larangan (amanat), lalu Ibrahim melaksanakannya dengan baik. Allah berfirman: Sesungguhnya Aku akan menjadikan engkau pemimpin bagi manusia. Ibrahim bertanya: Dan dari keturunanku juga (dijadikan pemimpin)? Allah swt menjawab: Janji (amanat)Ku ini tidak (berhak) diperoleh orang zalim".

2.    Q. S. Shad (38): 22, "Wahai Daud, Kami telah menjadikan kamu khalifah di bumi, maka berilah putusan antara manusia dengan hak (adil) dan janganlah kamu mengikuti hawa nafsu".

3.    Q. S. An-Nisa (4): 5, "Hai orang-orang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah Rasul (Nya), dan ulil amri diantara kamu".

4.    Q. S. Al-Anbiya (21): 73, "Dan Kami wahyukan kepada mereka (pemimpin) untuk mengerjakan perbuatan-perbuatan baik dan menegakkan sholat serta menunaikan zakat".

5.    Dan Kami jadikan di antara mereka itu pemimpin-pemimpin yang memberi petunjuk dengan perintah Kami ketika mereka sabar . Dan adalah mereka meyakini ayat-ayat Kami. (QS. As-Sajdah (32) :24)

6.    Katakanlah: ”Wahai Tuhan Yang mempunyai kerajaan, Engkau berikan kerajaan kepada orang yang Engkau kehendaki dan Engkau cabut kerajaan dari orang yang Engkau kehendaki. Engkau muliakan orang yang Engkau kehendaki dan Engkau hinakan orang yang Engkau kehendaki. Di tangan Engkaulah segala kebajikan. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu”. (QS. Al-'Imran (3):26)

Sabtu, 23 November 2013

The similarity and the differences between Solo and Yogyakarta

Solo and Yogyakarta are similar in several ways. First Solo is located in Java island similarly Yogyakarta that is located in Java island . A second way both are speaking Javanese language. Third, in which these two towns are similar is that they both are big enough town because solo has a population about 503.421 people. Similarly Yogyakarta has a population about 488.088 people. In the same way Solo and Yogyakarta are similar in art and culture. For example Solo has batik the same as Yogyakarta. Another examples solo has a historical temple such Cetho temple and Sukuh temple likewise Yogyakarta has a historical temple such Borobudur temple and Prambanan temple. Solo is similar to Yogyakarta in that it also has lots of the celebration ceremony such sekaten, grebeg mulud, kirab pusaka 1 suro and many more. The last similarity is solo and Yogyakarta are having the same climate.
Solo and Yogyakarta are different in many ways. In contrast Yogyakarta has the special food called gudek unlike in solo, solo has the special food called nasi liwet. Other differences are Yogyakarta never has a history of floods but in Solo almost every year is flooded. The two towns also differ in the total of the university. Yogyakarta has about 137 universities, but Solo has only about 54 universities. On the other hand Yogyakarta has lots of tourist destination such parangtritis beach, baron beach, kukup beach and many more. Unlike Solo that has not tourist destination like a beach. But solo has segoro gunung waterfalls, parang ijo waterfalls and etc.

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

How to overcome the boredom and laziness of learning.

As we know that the education in our country become so bad recently because Indonesia is considered fail to educate the young generation. Needs to know that the failure not just caused by the government in the implementation of the final exam but teachers have an important role in this case. This failure could be caused by the teacher in implementing the method of learning.
I was learning education innovation subject in semester 2 and then I know that there are a lot of interactive learning methods such as cooperative learning method. In this method the students make a group, it contains about four or five people. The students have to be the partnership to help each other resolve a case and stating the result in power point and then they have to present in front of the class.
The next method is talking stick. In this method the teacher has to set up the stick and then the students have to learn about the material and they have to understand the material very well after that the teacher gives the stick to the student and the student who gets the stick has to answer the question from the teacher and there are a lot of other learning method such as a jigsaw learning method, debate learning method, and many more.
Unfortunately in the rule of learning in general the lesson just does in the classroom. The teacher explains to the students, the student listens to the teacher’s explain, the teacher gives an assignment to the students, the student does the assignment. Just it!
As a student I often feel sluggish or even no concentrate on learning. The worst impact is I often joking with my friend. To overcome the boredom I would give some tips. Actually there are many ways to overcome the boredom when we are learning in the classroom. Firstly, we have breakfast. How come? It is because our brain needs a supply of energy so have some breakfast can give enough energy for us and then drinking a glass of milk, for drinking a glass of milk every morning before going to school can increase our stamina so we can follow the lesson well. Third, don’t sleep too late. This is important for us to keep their stamina by sleeping enough. By sleeping enough we would never feel sleepy and tired when we are in the classroom.
The next tips are held on the outdoor event, this event not just playing a game out of class but this event teaches students how to keep the environment, how to plant and many more. The next tips, studying with listen to the music. In addition to throwing away the sleepiness this way also can automatically increase our mood as long as it is not a slow song. Of the some articles that I’ve read a lot of actress and actor often feel bored when they are studying in the class and then they also do these tips. Such as the young singer, Mikha Angelo. He often feels bored when studying at the class. To overcome the boredom he often takes the time to play guitar and sing a song at the class. Last tips, Do some activity to refresh your mind. Such as walk around in the evening, go to your favorite place and many more.
Beside of it all this is some ways that may be can implement by the teacher to overcome the boredom in the class. Firstly, change seating position. This way was applied by my teacher in high school. It’s so effective to overcome the boredom. Second, give the students a little bit freer. Example the students allowed to chew bubble gum. Why a bubble gum? Yeah it’s because according to experts the bubble gum can increase our concentration. There are so many benefits. In addition to overcome the boredom it also can help students become more concentrated. Last tips, do some ice breaking. This way was applied in PPA. This way is so easy just singing a chant slogans and some dancing to increase the student’s spirit. Every student becomes so happy and so spirit especially when a student appointed to standing in front of the class for lead the ice breaking. That’s all the tips can be applied by the teacher but needs to be remembered that the failure in learning is not just about the teacher’s fail to apply the learning methods but it can be from the student’s problem. How come? Yeah it’s because learning requires an intent. This is maybe the teacher has been using the right method whereas there was no intent in their self.  As a student I often felt bored to study. It’s not because don’t have breakfast or drink a glass of milk every morning but it just because a lot of interesting television programs, a lot of games in my hand phone, and there are a lot of interesting social media such as Facebook,   twitter and many more.
The development of technology such as television, laptop, and hand phone should bring the positive impacts such as using a laptop to search the assignment by internet, using television to get the news and many more but in facts the teenagers now a day using the technology just for playing Facebook and twitter. Because of it all make the student feel bored to study. They just focus on playing hand phone.
Beside of it all there are a lot of problems that makes the students won’t to study, such as they have a problem with their friend in class, they don’t have their own room, the parents who always demand to learn over time and a little time to play.
There are a lot of ways can be implemented by parents to resolve the problem.  First, the parents have to know what causes the children become so lazy to learn. From the information that I’ve read the children become lazy to learn because of weakening mental, physical, and psychological. Usually it’s because no motivation in themselves. In addition to physical fatigue can also be the main factor that makes the children become lazy to learn.
All parents always want their children to be succeeded while a person’s success can only be if he wants to study.  Based on this case the parent should foster the motivation to learn by themselves because motivation is important. The motivation of the learner is required to make students more active in learning. When the children are sleeping, the parent can do the Hypnos sleep; use some motivation’s word to motivate their spirit in learning. However if the problem is physical fatigue, the parent should give them the time to take a rest, don’t demand them to learn all the time.
Second, make the comfortable conditions at home, starts from providing the comfortable room for them, or take the time to accompany them in learning, but needs to remember that don’t be emotional when we are educating our children, because it just make our children increasingly lazy to learn. So we should educate our children with great patience because it will make them happy to learn.
Third, give a suggestion to the children that learning is fun. Because if they think learn is fun, they will be happy to study every time. The next tips, give them the learning equipment that can increase their spirit in learning. Needs to remember that the learning tools not mean a gadget or expensive books, However it can be the learning table or the writing equipment. It’s enough to increase their spirit to learn.
Fifth, give them an appreciation for their spirit in learning. It means giving them praise, take a vacation or make their favorite food and many more. Next, don’t force the children to learn by memorizing, from the book that I’ve been read told that learning by memorizing can damage intelligence and logical.
The next tips make a deal with them. It’s to create responsibility as well as motivate the children in learning not to impose the parents will. This deal is about time to study, time to play, time to watching television and time to study at Sunday and etc. Next tips, accompany them to learn. Because accompany them when learning not just help them to study, but it also can be a form of emotional support for children.
 Next tips create a discipline. It is not an easy thing to create a discipline to the children if it is not started from the parents. The parents should show a disciplined everyday life because it can be followed by their child. The parents should create a discipline in learning consistently and continuously. Discipline can be started in preparing the learning equipment, studying books, do the homework and much more. The last tips enforce discipline, it should be done when the children begin to leave the deal that have been made. Needs to remember not to use the physical punishment.

That’s all the ways that can be implemented by the teacher and the parents to face the children who are lazy to learn. So if the children do not want to learn and they are lazy to learn as the good parent we should be more patience to teach them. 

The Scavenger

The Scavenger is important because they can minimize unemployment and the creative scavenger can create new employment for the people around them because I think they can make something from the items that they found for example if they found the plastic, and then the creative scavenger will think an idea to make it more useful. The examples they can make it become a plastic bag. After making it, they can introduce the product to the people around them. Next they can invite them to join and make the same product or make something that is more creative.
In addition to minimizing unemployment, the scavenger also can minimize rubbish. Because as we know that the scavengers job is take the rubbish. Automatically the scavengers present can minimize the rubbish and make our environment become more beautiful.
The scavenger like Wahyudin is important because he can be a good example for the other scavenger or teenagers to be more enterprising in the study. We know that he is a teenager who is able to finish his education. He gets money for financing his education while being a scavenger since in elementary school.
He really wants to be a successful man, though he just a poor boy from a poor family.
The other example is a scavenger named Karyati. She was 68 years old. In this year he can hajj pilgrimage. He gets money while has been a scavenger since 20 years ago. She also can be a good example for the other scavenger.


          Social media is an application that can help people to interact with the other people in everywhere and every time. As we know that technology information develops now a day so we can access social media by phone, laptop, computer, tablet and etc.
          There is a lot of kind of social media such as Twitter, path, tumbler, Instagram, Facebook, and etc. Facebook and twitter are the most used in Indonesia. However Indonesian prefers to use Facebook rather than using twitter. It may be because Facebook created earlier than Twitter, Facebook easier to access and may be because Facebook gives us much benefit so we can share photos, videos, create profile, chatting online, playing games online and etc.
          I think everything in this world has positive and negative impacts as well as social media. There is a lot of positive impact by using social media. Such as human gets easier to get information, job, make an online shop. And by using Facebook we can make a friend, share photos, videos, play games online, share file, make a group chatting, make fan page and etc.
          The social media also have some negative impacts. The negative effects of social media for teenagers such as cyberbullying, online harassment, depression, lower school grades, sexting and etc. The other impacts of social media are human being tends to be more individualistic, arrogant, imperious, porn, frauds, trafficking and terrorism rise too high lately. Social media also can eliminate the culture values and make Indonesian lose their identity and the other impacts of social media.
          That’s right if the social media can help people to connect and interact with everyone, in every time and everywhere. But needs to be aware that social media gives much of negative impacts for ourselves and people around us. Of course we should avoid for these impacts. There are some ways to avoid the negative impacts of social media such as we should set the time to use social media, don’t waste many times in social media. Next way is being a selective person and always be aware of the social media sites, use the social media to get information and everything that useful.


         The train is safer and more comfortable as compared to other means of transportation. The modern train equipped with CCTV so it can minimize the criminality such as hypnotic, rubbing and etc. 
The train also more comfortable because the modern train equipped with WIFI so we can do our homework during our journey. Furthermore the modern train equipped with the comfortable seat, AC, clean restroom, emergency brake, mini bar and many more. 
         The train is an effective transportation. For one reason the train can accommodate lots of passengers than the other transportation. In addition the train can bring us to everywhere we want. Furthermore by taking this transportation we can refresh our mind because we can look around and enjoy the view. It’s so effective to throw away the boredom during our journey. 
         The train also can minimize traffic jams. For example if we live in Jakarta as the busy city. There are almost every day becomes more crowded and full of traffic jams. But by taking the train we can save much time because we would never waste long time in traffic jams.
         The train is fast and relatively cheap. Now a day use the train becomes one of some alternative that people choose because the train is fast so we can arrive at our direction on time. Even thought if the train is delayed or cancelled, we can usually get a refund if you pay a handling fee. Another reason the train is relatively cheap because by taking  the train can save our money because it is not expensive. 
The train also can reduce the rate of pollution. Try to imagine if we live in Jakarta. There are full of pollution because most of people there prefer using their car than taking the train whereas by use the train will reduce the rate of pollution. Because of it all I think people have to use this transportation. 


          The trash is something that unwanted or something that was thrown away.  The trash pollution commonly caused by the overproduction of waste product, solid waste and etc. I think the trash pollution in Jakarta happens because most of people in Jakarta throw away of the trash not into the right place. They prefer to throw away the trash into the river than into the right place. The trash pollution that happens in Jakarta is a black mark on the city’s reputation. The trash pollution has become the serious problem in Jakarta.
          It brings a lot of bad impact for human health because the trash pollution will bring a lot of seedling diseases. There are some illnesses caused by trash pollutions such as diarrhea, malaria, typhoid, dysentery, cholera and many more. Another reason trash is very harmful to our environment. It has dangerous impacts to our land, water and air. In addition the trash pollution will make Jakarta looks so bad. Furthermore the trash pollution that piles up in the drain will cause the flooding.
          The trash pollution is a serious problem that has to resolve. There are some ways that can we currently use to resolve these problems. In one way don’t throw away the trash into the river or drain. Next, minimize the amount of trash that we produce every day. For next way is recycling. I think recycling is one of some effective way to resolve this problem. It is an effective way to resolve of specific things such as metal, paper, and plastic because it wastes less energy than the other ways. Another way is composting. Its uses for the vegetable scraps, paper, dry leaves and fruit scraps and etc. You just need to dig in your yard and put the trash in there until it rots. Burying is another way to resolve the trash pollution but I think it is not really effective because burying the trash also can cause air and water pollution. The last way is reuse. Reuse means something that was thrown away but still can use. Example if your computer is broken and can’t be repaired I recommend you to think an idea to modify it. Such as you can modify it to be an aquarium.

Sabtu, 14 September 2013

Short Speech About the Impact of Technological Developments.

Assalamualaikum wr wb
Dear my teacher and all of my beloved friends. Let us thanks to Allah SWT because of His blessing we all can gather here in this event. Today In this good opportunity, I would like to talk about the impact of technological developments.
Technology is something that successfully made ​​by humans to facilitate and simplify the realization of their life. As we know that a lot of technology develops nowadays, such as computers, the internet and cellular phones and many more. A technological development gives a lot of changes that so great in human life. Like in Indonesia, a technological development has influenced the culture of society. With the development of technologies people in Indonesia can learn about the culture of the other countries, get much easier to interact with the other people and easy to get information and job and many more.
Technology also has a bad impact such as human being tends to be more individualistic, arrogant and imperious; the pornography, fraud and terrorism rise to high lately ; the development of technologies also can eliminate the cultural values, and make Indonesia little by little lose their identity and then another impact of technology.
So as teenagers we should be aware of the phenomenon of technological developments and keep our culture. Use the technology to get information and everything that useful.
I think that’s all. Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.


Model pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini melatih dan mengembangkan kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang berorientasi pada masalah otentik dari kehidupan actual siswa, untuk merangsang kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Sintak model pembelajaran ini adalah metakognitif, elaborasi, analisis, interpretasi, induksi, identifikasi, investigasi, eksplorasi, sintesis, generalisasi, dan inkuiri.
Pada model pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah terdapat lima tahap utama yang dimulai dengan tahap memperkenalkan siswa dengan suatu masalah dan diakhiri dengan tahap penyajian dan analisis hasil kerja siswa. Langkah-langkah Model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah :
. Orientasi siswa kepada masalah
Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, menjelaskan logistik yang diperlukan, memotivasi siswa terlibat aktif dan kreatif dalam aktivitas pemecahan masalah yang dipilihnya
. Mengorganisasikan siswa untuk belajar
Guru membantu siswa mendefinisikan dan mengorganisasikan tugas belajar yang berhubungan dengan masalah tersebut
. Membimbing penyelidikan individual maupun kelompok
Guru mendorong siswa untuk mengumpulkan informasi yang sesuai dan melaksanakan eksperimen untuk mendapatkan penjelasan dan pemecahan masalah
. Mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil karya
Guru membantu siswa dalam merencanakan dan menyiuapkan karya yang sesuai seperti laporan, video, dan model dan membantu mereka untuk berbagi tugas dengan temannya
. Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan masalah
Guru membantu siswa untuk melakukan refleksi atau evaluasi terhadap penyelidikan mereka dan proses-proses yang mereka gunakan


Skenario Model Pembelajaran Jigsaw

Jigsaw adalah tipe pembelajaran kooperatif yang dikembangkan oleh Elliot Aronson’s. Model pembelajaran ini didesain untuk meningkatkan rasa tanggung jawab siswa terhadap pembelajarannya sendiri dan juga pembelajaran orang lain. Siswa tidak hanya mempelajari materi yang diberikan, tetapi mereka juga harus siap memberikan dan mengajarkan materi tersebut kepada kelompoknya.
Sesuai dengan namanya, teknis penerapan tipe pembelajaran ini maju mundur seperti gergaji. Menurut Arends (1997). Sebelum saya memberikan skenario model pembelajaran Jigsaw, saya sudah mewawancarai seorang guru yang kebetulan adalah tetangga saya. Jadi menurut beliau, model pembelajaran ini dapat melatih siswa untuk lebih aktif dalam berbicara dan berpendapat dan pemerataan penguasaan materi dapat dicapai dalam waktu yang lebih singkat.
Berikut adalah skenario model pembelajaran jigsaw:
1.    Pertama, guru akan memberikan penjelasan tentang metode pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan termasuk bidang  studi apa yang akan menjadi pokok bahasan.
2.    Kedua, guru akan membagi siswa menjadi beberapa kelompok serta menjelaskan tugas untuk masing-masing kelompok. Kelompok ini disebut kelompok awal.
3.    Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk membaca materi selama 7 menit dan diharapkan siswa dapat menyerap informasi sebanyak-banyaknya pada kesempatan ini.
4.    kemudian siswa diberi Lembar Kerja (LK) dan diberi waktu 8 menit untuk mengerjakan lembar kerja tersebut
5.    Setiap siswa dalam satu kelompok menyebar/pindah ke kelompok lain untuk mendapatkan informasi sebanyak-banyaknya mengenai materi yang dipelajari oleh kelompok lain. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk berpindah-pindah kelompok selama 10 menit dan siswa diharapkan dapat menyerap dan mengumpulkan informasi sebanyak-banyaknya dari kelompok lain.
6.    Siswa kembali ke kelompok awal untuk mendiskusikan informasi yang diperoleh selama 10 menit
7.    Kemudian salah satu anggota kelompok berlatih untuk memasukkan data ke komputer dengan menggunakan program inspiration selama 20 menit. Setelah itu siswa akan mebuat peta konsep di komputer dan kelompok lain akan memasukkan informasi ke chart yang telah disediakan. Pada tahap ini siswa diberikan waktu selama 20 menit untuk menyelesaikan tugasnya.
8.    Pada 5 menit terakhir guru akan memberikan penguatan dari tugas yang harus dikerjakan siswa di rumah.

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