

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Contoh Abstract Bahasa Inggris

Memasuki semester empat ini saya mulai mempelajari tentang abstract. Abstract adalah bagian dalam sebuah laporan atau karya ilmiah diperlukan untuk mengetahui keseluruhan isi karangan dalam waktu singkat.
Berikut ini tugas pertama saya di semester empat. belum tau sih bener enggaknya. yang penting sih nyoba. jadi bagi yang menemukan kesalahan harap koreksinya ya. terimakasih.

The Implementation of Picture and Picture Methods for Student in Elementary School
By: Fadhillah Khusnul Khotimah

The accuracy in choosing the learning methods is very important in order to achieve the learning purpose. There are some learning methods develop nowadays that give the student opportunity to increase their creativity. One of them is Picture and Picture method. The background of this research is because there are lot of case in elementary school that are not successful in achieve the learning purpose caused by the wrongness in choosing the learning method. The aim of this research is to find out how the implementation, response and the result that may achieve in implementing picture and picture method. The instruments of this research are success learning process, questioner, and direct observation sheet. Through the process of data analysis, it can inferred that the student who implemented picture and picture method is better than the student who implemented the conventional method of learning.
Key words: picture and picture method, learning method.

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