Assalamualaikum wr wb
my teacher and all of my beloved friends. Let us thanks to Allah SWT because of
His blessing we all can gather here in this event. Today In this good
opportunity, I would like to talk about the impact of technological
is something that successfully made by humans to facilitate and simplify the
realization of their life. As we know that a lot of technology develops
nowadays, such as computers, the internet and cellular phones and many more. A
technological development gives a lot of changes that so great in human life.
Like in Indonesia, a technological development has influenced the culture of
society. With the development of technologies people in Indonesia can learn
about the culture of the other countries, get much easier to interact with the
other people and easy to get information and job and many more.
also has a bad impact such as human being tends to be more individualistic,
arrogant and imperious; the pornography, fraud and terrorism rise to high
lately ; the development of technologies also can eliminate the cultural
values, and make Indonesia little by little lose their identity and then
another impact of technology.
as teenagers we should be aware of the phenomenon of technological developments
and keep our culture. Use the technology to get information and everything that
think that’s all. Thank you for your attention.
wr. Wb.