

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

How to overcome the boredom and laziness of learning.

As we know that the education in our country become so bad recently because Indonesia is considered fail to educate the young generation. Needs to know that the failure not just caused by the government in the implementation of the final exam but teachers have an important role in this case. This failure could be caused by the teacher in implementing the method of learning.
I was learning education innovation subject in semester 2 and then I know that there are a lot of interactive learning methods such as cooperative learning method. In this method the students make a group, it contains about four or five people. The students have to be the partnership to help each other resolve a case and stating the result in power point and then they have to present in front of the class.
The next method is talking stick. In this method the teacher has to set up the stick and then the students have to learn about the material and they have to understand the material very well after that the teacher gives the stick to the student and the student who gets the stick has to answer the question from the teacher and there are a lot of other learning method such as a jigsaw learning method, debate learning method, and many more.
Unfortunately in the rule of learning in general the lesson just does in the classroom. The teacher explains to the students, the student listens to the teacher’s explain, the teacher gives an assignment to the students, the student does the assignment. Just it!
As a student I often feel sluggish or even no concentrate on learning. The worst impact is I often joking with my friend. To overcome the boredom I would give some tips. Actually there are many ways to overcome the boredom when we are learning in the classroom. Firstly, we have breakfast. How come? It is because our brain needs a supply of energy so have some breakfast can give enough energy for us and then drinking a glass of milk, for drinking a glass of milk every morning before going to school can increase our stamina so we can follow the lesson well. Third, don’t sleep too late. This is important for us to keep their stamina by sleeping enough. By sleeping enough we would never feel sleepy and tired when we are in the classroom.
The next tips are held on the outdoor event, this event not just playing a game out of class but this event teaches students how to keep the environment, how to plant and many more. The next tips, studying with listen to the music. In addition to throwing away the sleepiness this way also can automatically increase our mood as long as it is not a slow song. Of the some articles that I’ve read a lot of actress and actor often feel bored when they are studying in the class and then they also do these tips. Such as the young singer, Mikha Angelo. He often feels bored when studying at the class. To overcome the boredom he often takes the time to play guitar and sing a song at the class. Last tips, Do some activity to refresh your mind. Such as walk around in the evening, go to your favorite place and many more.
Beside of it all this is some ways that may be can implement by the teacher to overcome the boredom in the class. Firstly, change seating position. This way was applied by my teacher in high school. It’s so effective to overcome the boredom. Second, give the students a little bit freer. Example the students allowed to chew bubble gum. Why a bubble gum? Yeah it’s because according to experts the bubble gum can increase our concentration. There are so many benefits. In addition to overcome the boredom it also can help students become more concentrated. Last tips, do some ice breaking. This way was applied in PPA. This way is so easy just singing a chant slogans and some dancing to increase the student’s spirit. Every student becomes so happy and so spirit especially when a student appointed to standing in front of the class for lead the ice breaking. That’s all the tips can be applied by the teacher but needs to be remembered that the failure in learning is not just about the teacher’s fail to apply the learning methods but it can be from the student’s problem. How come? Yeah it’s because learning requires an intent. This is maybe the teacher has been using the right method whereas there was no intent in their self.  As a student I often felt bored to study. It’s not because don’t have breakfast or drink a glass of milk every morning but it just because a lot of interesting television programs, a lot of games in my hand phone, and there are a lot of interesting social media such as Facebook,   twitter and many more.
The development of technology such as television, laptop, and hand phone should bring the positive impacts such as using a laptop to search the assignment by internet, using television to get the news and many more but in facts the teenagers now a day using the technology just for playing Facebook and twitter. Because of it all make the student feel bored to study. They just focus on playing hand phone.
Beside of it all there are a lot of problems that makes the students won’t to study, such as they have a problem with their friend in class, they don’t have their own room, the parents who always demand to learn over time and a little time to play.
There are a lot of ways can be implemented by parents to resolve the problem.  First, the parents have to know what causes the children become so lazy to learn. From the information that I’ve read the children become lazy to learn because of weakening mental, physical, and psychological. Usually it’s because no motivation in themselves. In addition to physical fatigue can also be the main factor that makes the children become lazy to learn.
All parents always want their children to be succeeded while a person’s success can only be if he wants to study.  Based on this case the parent should foster the motivation to learn by themselves because motivation is important. The motivation of the learner is required to make students more active in learning. When the children are sleeping, the parent can do the Hypnos sleep; use some motivation’s word to motivate their spirit in learning. However if the problem is physical fatigue, the parent should give them the time to take a rest, don’t demand them to learn all the time.
Second, make the comfortable conditions at home, starts from providing the comfortable room for them, or take the time to accompany them in learning, but needs to remember that don’t be emotional when we are educating our children, because it just make our children increasingly lazy to learn. So we should educate our children with great patience because it will make them happy to learn.
Third, give a suggestion to the children that learning is fun. Because if they think learn is fun, they will be happy to study every time. The next tips, give them the learning equipment that can increase their spirit in learning. Needs to remember that the learning tools not mean a gadget or expensive books, However it can be the learning table or the writing equipment. It’s enough to increase their spirit to learn.
Fifth, give them an appreciation for their spirit in learning. It means giving them praise, take a vacation or make their favorite food and many more. Next, don’t force the children to learn by memorizing, from the book that I’ve been read told that learning by memorizing can damage intelligence and logical.
The next tips make a deal with them. It’s to create responsibility as well as motivate the children in learning not to impose the parents will. This deal is about time to study, time to play, time to watching television and time to study at Sunday and etc. Next tips, accompany them to learn. Because accompany them when learning not just help them to study, but it also can be a form of emotional support for children.
 Next tips create a discipline. It is not an easy thing to create a discipline to the children if it is not started from the parents. The parents should show a disciplined everyday life because it can be followed by their child. The parents should create a discipline in learning consistently and continuously. Discipline can be started in preparing the learning equipment, studying books, do the homework and much more. The last tips enforce discipline, it should be done when the children begin to leave the deal that have been made. Needs to remember not to use the physical punishment.

That’s all the ways that can be implemented by the teacher and the parents to face the children who are lazy to learn. So if the children do not want to learn and they are lazy to learn as the good parent we should be more patience to teach them. 

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